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Bonus Race for Italian friends

Bonus Race for Italian friends Hi everyone,

last Saturday 13th October we had a bonus race organized by me with the help of my team-mate Rick van den Akker at the HFCC club in Den Haag. This race has been arranged to give to my friend Dario Gabrielli the chance to drive in the1/10 Touring scale class for the first time.

Despite his young age (14 years old), Dario has been already 2 times Italian champion in the 1/8 buggy nitro category; he has a gift.. a special and absolutely out of the ordinary talent.
The young champion arrived on Thursday, accompanied by our mutual friend Giulio Corvino.
He immediately started training with the VRC simulator, and in a few hours had already beaten all my records! (ok.. against me it is easy :-D)

Let's go to the race:
We arrived at the track around 11:30, the idea was to manage three cars: Dario's car (my T4 2018), Giulio's car (a T4 2015 that I usually use for modified) and mine (borrowed from my friend Fokke Groen), but I realized that it was too much work...
I wanted to guarantee to Dario the right assistance so we decided to relegate Giulio to help us with car maintenance.

During the free practice Dario had some difficulties because the track was dirty and the grip was very low and above all, he found that driving a real car was very different compared to the simulator.
After 3/4 batteries and after the track has been cleaned up, Dario started to drive decently, he liked the car but we had no references regarding lap times because this race has been done in the opposite direction.

Finally the first qualification has come and the boy was immediately very fast, he scored as a best lap 17.624 against 17.620 done by Steven Koiter, (championship winner at HFCC) but due to too many mistakes he finished in fourth position.

In the second qualification Dario made two big mistakes with a consequent exit on the grass so he ended up again in fourth position.

In the third qualification we decided to use a new tyre set and performances improved a lot. New best lap was 17,429 which will be the best of the whole race.
In this heat Dario was starting to be able to stay focused because coming from the buggy 1/8 nitro where the finals last 30/45/60 minutes, he found it difficult to concentrate all his energy in only 7 minutes of glory.
He closed this final in second position behind Fokke Groen which means he would start the finals with number 3.

The first final has been closed in third position because he made too many mistakes.
The second final was a bit better and he finally managed to make at least 24 laps but he finished still in third position.

The last final was a pure show,  when I saw that Dario was second between Steven and Rick I just parked my car in the pitlane to enjoy this duel, my heart was beating very fast and i was not able to drive anymore :-D.
It was  unbelievable: a 14-year-old boy who had never driven a Touring 1/10 car was playing with 2 of the club's strongest drivers!
Cars were very close, Rick unfortunately made a mistake and the first two got a certain gap from him.
In a few laps the incredible happened:
Steven arrived just a bit long on a corner and has got overtaken from Dario, from then on the little champion remained in the lead closing in a perfect way every corner and removing to Steven the possibility to overtake him. Dario did what usually a very experienced driver would have done and won the final.. he is really something.

The next day we went with my friend Rick to the beautiful circuit of the MACH club in Heemstede to let Dario drive modified and after only 8 batteries his best lap was already 15.5 .. no one has ever seen something like that! well done my friend!

I have no words, I knew that Dario was talented but this is out of every expectative ... chapeau!
If I were a company looking for talented drivers, I would for sure get him! ..

I want to thank you from the deep of my heart all my friends at HFCC club, it is very nice to get help from you, it lets me feel like i'm in a family.
Thank you also to Nicola Marrone from Hot Race Tyre Factory for the tires and thirts and to Edwin Neijenhoff for the special oils and greases.
I really hope to do it again next year.

P.S. Dario tasted kroket, frikandel and kibbeling and he likes them a lot! :-D

Thank you for your time and see you on the track!
  Lincoln De Simone     18-10-2018 14:49     Reacties ( 0 )
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