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Onroad 1/12
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"A" Foam is our most durable, affordable tyre. Perfect if you want to go many runs without taking the wheels off the car during weekly club racing. The wear rate of this foam is the lowest in the range, even lower than seen with "T" foam. It rarely offers the overall performance of the others, however in lower traction conditions; occasionally it is a match for the more expensive options. Suggested for use on Primafelt or CRC Black carpet, or when oily additive is in use.

1/12 Front T Foam 35Sh - Stiff Rims - 41.5mm
1/12 Front T Foam 35Sh - Stiff Rims - 41.5mm
We are pleased to introduce an alternative version of the popular T35 1/12th Tyres from Contact RC.
These tyres are mounted on a stiffer rim which is more suitable for higher traction conditions.
It gives a more precise feeling to the car and can lead to faster lap times.
In addition to the rim stiffness we have also reduced the diameter of the tyres to be more useable straight from the box.
Less time on the tyre truing machine is a win win for the majority of 1/12th drivers !
Tyres are now sized at 41.5mm front.

Bittydesign GT12 body Seven20 for 1/12 Supastox class
Bittydesign GT12 body Seven20 for 1/12 Supastox class

Contact RC 'orange stripe' LMP12 Control Tyres.
A great price, level playing field solution for LMP12 racing.
A Foam is our most durable, affordable tire. Perfect if you want to go many runs without taking the wheels off the car during weekly club racing. The wear rate of this foam is the lowest in the range. In lower traction conditions; occasionally it is a match for the more expensive options. Suggested for use on Primafelt or CRC Black carpet, or when oily additive is in use.

"A" Foam is our most durable, affordable tyre. Perfect if you want to go many runs without taking the wheels off the car during weekly club racing. The wear rate of this foam is the lowest in the range, even lower than seen with "T" foam. It rarely offers the overall performance of the others, however in lower traction conditions; occasionally it is a match for the more expensive options. Suggested for use on Primafelt or CRC Black carpet, or when oily additive is in use.

Contact LMP12 tyres with 12mm hex fitting for the Eclipse 4 and other brands using the U8176 - LMP12 Hex Lightweight Spool Set.

Contact 1/12 Universal Truer Arbor
Contact 1/12 Universal Truer Arbor
From Contact RC is this universal tyre truing adaptor for popular tyre truers including the J015 - Contact Tyre Truer - V3 spec and J017 - Contact Tyre Truer with Bag V3 spec or any truer with an 8mm output shaft.This adaptor is suitable for 1/12th or GT12 front tyres, 3 bolt 1/12th or GT12 tyres and hex fitting 1/12th or GT12 tyres.
The locking nut for both types ensure a snug, true fit.

Our Multiple European Championship winning Contact RC 'T' foam is now available in a softer shore rating of 32.
The 32 shore version will be a good option on lower grip tracks or club races on non-permanent tracks.
T foam is the most complete 1/12th tyre in the Contact RC range. It benefits from performance and lap times equal or better than Q foam, with the added benefit of being easier to drive, less twitchy and easy to attack the track with. This often leads to improved lap times. It also has much better durability, lower wear rates (close to A foam) and when using the non-oil type additives, keeps grip to the end of the race much better than our other options.
Available in standard 3 bolt rear, 12mm hex fitting rear and standard bearing fit 1/12th/GT12 front.

Contact RC Foam Tyres - 1/12 Front DOUBLE PINK 35Sh A foam-44mm
“A” Foam is our most durable, affordable tyre. Perfect if you want to go many runs without taking the wheels off the car during weekly club racing. The wear rate of this foam is the lowest in the range, even lower than seen with “T” foam. It rarely offers the overall performance of the others, however in lower traction conditions; occasionally it is a match for the more expensive options. Suggested for use on Primafelt or CRC Black carpet, or when oily additive is in use.

Contact RC Foam Tyres - 1/12 Hex Rear 30Sh Control Tyre 46mm
Contact RC Foam Tyres - 1/12 Hex Rear 30Sh Control Tyre 46mm

Contact RC Foam Tyres - 1/12 Hex Rear Double Pink 32Sh A Foam 46mm
Contact RC Foam Tyres - 1/12 Hex Rear Double Pink 32Sh A Foam 46mm

Contact RC Foam Tyres - 1/12 Hex Rear Magenta 30Sh A Foam 46mm
Contact LMP12 tyres with 12mm hex fitting for the Eclipse 4 and other brands using the U8176 - LMP12 Hex Lightweight Spool Set.

Contact RC Foam Tyres - 1/12 Hex Rear Soft Pink 28Sh A Foam 46mm
Contact RC Foam Tyres - 1/12 Hex Rear Soft Pink 28Sh A Foam 46mm

Contact RC Foam Tyres - 1/12 Rear 35Sh T foam-46mm
Contact RC Foam Tyres - 1/12 Rear 35Sh T foam-46mm

Contact RC Foam Tyres - 1/12 Rear MAGENTA 32Sh A foam-46mm
Contact RC Foam Tyres - 1/12 Rear MAGENTA 32Sh A foam-46mm

Contact Truer Arbour & Clamp - 1/12 Hex
Truing tyres is easy with the specific Contact RC truing arbour for hex rear and standard front wheels.
Fits popular tyre truers with 8mm shaft.
Included in Eclipse 4 kits.

Introducing the Contact RC foam tyre truer.
This New V2 version has improvements in the sliding mechanism for more accuracy and ease of use.
This Contact tyre truer is a manually operated unit made from robust materials, including an excellent carbide cutting bit, usually found on much higher priced truers.
Special 'Quick Skim' feature to allow fast surface refresh of the tyres.
(The cutter can be moved by hand rather than turning the wheel)
Available with or without attractive carry bag.
- Suitable for 1/8th down to 1/12th sizes.
- Carbide cutting blade included.
- 12 volt DC input, with leads included. (Power supply required).
(If using an AC power supply we recommend a minimum of 10A)
- Plexi glass cover.
- Powerful motor.
- Universal fit arbors.
- Arbor not included, various types available separately.
- +- 3 deg cone adjustment.

Contact Tyre Truer with Bag
Contact Tyre Truer with Bag
Introducing the Contact RC foam tyre truer. This Contact tyre truer is a manually operated unit aimed at the mid range market.
Made from robust materials including an excellent carbide cutting bit usually found on much higher priced truers.
Special 'Quick Skim' feature to allow fast surface refresh of the tyres. The cutter can be moved by hand rather than turning the wheel.
- Suitable for 1/8th down to 1/12th sizes.
- Carbide cutting blade included.
- 12 volt DC input, with leads included. (Power supply required).
- Plexi glass cover.
- Powerful motor.
- Universal fit arbors.
- Arbor not included, various types available separately.
- +- 3 deg cone adjustment.